b5 Review for Wolpert Insurance Agency Inc.

Nicole L
Aug 22, 2012

Customer Service:



Quality of Work:






Overall Experience:






Overall score:



My review of Wolpert Insurance Agency Inc.:

I recant my previous statement. Yes all I had to do was pay the bill but once it came time for renewal... forget it! They never told me it was up for renewal, I lost her in bad cell service, she knew I had a question but she hung up, never called me back and then left for the day! Didn't even get a call back from her and it wasn't until later on the next day after I already canceled with them! I must say I spent the extra $$ going through an agent so this type of thing doesn't happen and it did anyway! Not paying them anymore EVER!!! Oh and my mortgage Insurance doubled due to a surcharge that should not have been on there and it seems as though she put her hands up... my new company handled it appropriately and I saved 1/2 as much!!